Holistic Life Planning and Assembling a Board of Directors | Anthony Guzman [PODCAST]

Anthony specializes in holistic family planning with focus on early career and family, retirement transition, tax preparation, and real estate investing. Having always wanted to help as many people as possible, Anthony became a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) helping his clients with financial literacy – regardless of their wealth. In this episode, Ben and Anthony discuss holistic life planning, expanding beyond finances to touch on mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational health. If you’re looking to live a more fulfilling life and develop the financial skills to do it, this is a great place to start!
Key Takeaways:

  • Financial planning involves more than just money. 
  • Good financial planning starts with holistic life planning.
  • In what do you find meaning in life?
  • Anthony’s “Examination of Conscience”.
  • What types of people you want to surround yourself with, as a sort of board of directors, to give a balanced approach to life.
  • How to adopt your own “rule of life”.

🌐 Website: https://www.pioneerwealth.com/ 
👉🏼 Anthony: https://catholicfinancialplanners.com/members/anthonypioneerwealth-com/ 
📚 George Kinder: https://www.georgekinder.com/
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Catholic Money Mastermind Podcast is a personal podcast meant for educational and entertainment. It should not be taken as financial advice, and is not prescriptive of your financial situation.

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